We have been busy bees learning lately!! Here is just a little bit of what's been going on!! :)
We were thrilled on Monday when Mrs. Roy called down and told us that this strange looking box came in the mail! What could be inside????
When we opened the box, we found out that it was from Ms. Frizzle (from The Magic School Bus). The box was filled with all kinds of stuff about bats! We decided to do a little bat research and learn more about these cool critters!
We've also been working hard on creating our landforms. The students learned all about the various types of landforms. To assess their understanding and help them learn in a concrete way, the students used salt dough to create different landforms. The landforms were then painted and a map key was created. (Finished pics coming soon!)
Landforms are created. Now it's time to start painting! |
This week is review week in reading. The students have been reviewing the concepts, skills, and vocab that we've been learning the past five weeks. To review our vocab words, we played Vocab on the Move. The students went around the classroom asking their classmates for clues (synonyms, antonyms, etc.) for the word that was on their head!
We're reviewing problem and solution this week as part of our review week. We read The Vanishing Pumpkin. Next, we used vanishing ink (lemon juice mixture) to write the problem and the solution of the story! It was so cool to see the ink disappear and then reappear using heat!
Last we we learned about the long I sound in spelling. We sorted "fries" into the correct containers as we practiced the pattern.
As we practiced telling time to the nearest minute, we played I Spy. We walked around the room to try to spy different times with our little eyes.
To learn about number patterns and input output tables, the students had a chance to use our Function Machine!
Our first MYSTERY READER was so much fun!!! :)