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Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Welcome Back 2014-2015

Welcome back! It's hard to believe that summer has come to an end and it's time for those school bells to ring again! I'm really looking forward to a great year full of fun and learning (who knew you those two words could go together! :) ). Here is a peak at our classroom. This year we have a western classroom theme.

ALL of our goodies to work on the first few days of school. 

Our class!

To get to know each other we read and are making "Purple Plastic Purses"

The HORSE binder

AR/Reading Bulletin board

Some of the books in our classroom library

more books :)

This is where our Hopes and Dreams will be.

Student of the Week bulletin board

The behavior clip chart

Buckaroo Birthdays

Come on in!

Monday, April 14, 2014

Snow, snow go away!

What a winter! We had SO MUCH snow this winter. We rarely got to go outside to play. However, we always found a way to have a blast during indoor recess.

Dr. Seuss Reading Cafe

In March we put on our Dr. Seuss Reading Café! Of all the units I've ever created, this is probably one of my favorites! The students "served" their families mouth watering, tongue twisting, brain boosting books! Here are a few pictures we captured from this fun event!

Ta da!! Welcome to our original ..... Dr. Seuss READING CAFE!

Our chefs are ready to serve!

The restaurant manage and host/hostesses are ready to take you to your seats.

serving up a good book

Some yummy Seuss snacks

My little "thing" came to join us for or celebration too! :)

Cael! My "Thing 1"

all smiles!

and laughs...

making memories

A current 3rd grader with his mom and a former 3rd grader! (7 years ago!!)

Thank you so much for coming out to Celebrate Seuss with us!