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Monday, October 23, 2017

#3rd Grade Rocks

This is my 11th year teaching 3rd grade and not a day goes by that I don't love every minute of it! Here are some recent classroom activities!

Sunday, October 22, 2017

Back to School 2017

So I'm {a little} late in posting this, but here are some back to school pictures TEAM style!

Welcome to the Lewis Learning Locker Room!

Open House night stations - Donation Station

Student notebooks all ready to go!

 Open House Stations

My favorite back to school read aloud and activity...Lilly's Purple Plastic Purse

Student book bins ready to go.

Our "bleacher" seating

I was the first MVP of the year. I shared all of my favorites. Check out that cute little girl in the center picture with the teal turtle neck and side pony tail...Yep that was me in third grade! Hahaha!!!!

Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Grandparents' Night

Tonight we welcomed our Grandfriends into our school for our Grandparents' Day Cafe! The students had a great time sharing some special "appetizers, side dishes, a main course, and even dessert".

Here are some pictures to capture some great memories.

Friday, February 17, 2017

Pioneer Party

We're wrapping up our western unit in Social Studies. As a culminating activity, we had a Pioneer Party. The students traveled to different stations. At each station, they collected a gold coin "sticker" for their Pioneer Passes.

Playing the Oregon Trail game

making butter

making butter

We ate our butter on some yummy toast

making butter is hard work :)

The finished product

We made a tic, tac, toe game and homemade bean bags

We got to sew our initials on burlap

As we went to each station we collected gold coin "stickers" 

Doing the "windmill" to whip the butter

Now it's time to shop for some "penny candy"

a western party wouldn't be complete without a Wanted sign